Blog Journal #6

     Over the past few days, I have been able to gain experience in navigating Diigo for my education technology course. I enjoyed that Diigo has an extension that can be installed on Google Chrome as it made it very easy to highlight and create sticky notes on articles and other resources. I also like that groups of people can connect on Diigo to share resources. This would be ideal for college and high school classes as it works on important annotation, communication, and collaboration skills. Overall, I enjoyed the platform and would enjoy using it in the future. 

    I have enjoyed my experience blogging over the past few weeks as a means of completing assignments. I think that this is a unique way to discuss topics and encourages thoughtful reflection and responses. Had it not been for this course, I likely would never have started a blog as I do not wish to post long entries about my own personal life publicly. Although I, personally, would not enjoy blogging about my own life, I do enjoy doing it for class purposes and I also enjoy reading other people's blogs. I have definitely learned that blogs can be anything that you want them to be through these assignments, as I previously thought of blogs as just being for telling personal stories and updates about your life. Now that I have utilized a blog space for a variety of topics, I have learned that this is a very versatile platform that can be used for anything. 

    I think that ShadowPuppet is an amazing Web 2.0 tool that I would consider using in the classroom. ShadowPuppet is a platform that allows people to upload a series of images and pair them with a narration regarding those images. This would be a great tool for high school students especially for discussing science experiments or discussing reading plots. This format allows students to think critically about the information that they are learning and understand it enough to summarize and restate that information. As a teacher, this would also be a unique way to engage students with material in a new way to keep them invested in the subject matter. 


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